Auntie Maggie and Her Five Nephews and Nieces

Autor: Alonso, Sandra

Sección: INFANTIL Y JUVENIL - Libros ilustrados

Auntie Maggie and Her Five Nephews and Nieces

Auntie Maggie and Her Five Nephews and Nieces


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Auntie Maggie and her Five Nieces and Nephews is a tremendously original and funny picture book in which Maggie, an unconventional aunt, will have to survive a whole summer with her five nephews and nieces and their respective problems. An original and entertaining picture book that offers us an adventure full of humor, confidence, and courage at the beginning of …

Auntie Maggie and her Five Nieces and Nephews is a tremendously original and funny picture book in which Maggie, an unconventional aunt, will have to survive a whole summer with her five nephews and nieces and their respective problems. An original and entertaining picture book that offers us an adventure full of humor, confidence, and courage at the beginning of childhood maturity and responsibility when children face difficulties and need help. How Aunt Maggie cares for her nephews and nieces and is involved in solving their problems is an example of how the teaching method makes all the difference to the success of the learning process. Funny, constructive, and always putting herself in place of her young nephews and nieces, she always has an optimal perspective that allows her to help them properly and contribute to making them better in whatever they set out to do besides, involving them all in each of the resolutions will only enhance the virtues of all of them. A story perfectly accompanied by excellent artwork, in a completely new register for the artist, in which he offers us richly detailed and beautifully colored scenarios whose strokes manage to convey the funny situations the children encounter perfectly. Aunt Maggie and her Five Nieces and Nephews bring us a story about learning by making mistakes, having the courage to ask for help when we need it instead of giving up, and the extraordinary value of that beautiful confidence that makes us feel comfortable asking for the support we need. A beautiful book that explores all the opportunities that children have to grow, learn, improve, and be the best they can be. But above all, to ask for help and make it as constructive as possible so that they become more competent in dealing with the setbacks that may arise.

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Auntie Maggie and Her Five Nephews and Nieces

Fecha Publicación:
Normal tapa dura (libros)
Nº páginas:
26 mm
21 mm
Libros ilustrados

Sandra AlonsoNació en Zamora el 9 de abril de 1993 y recuerda que de niña podía pasarse horas Buscando a Wally en casa de sus abuelos y leyendo Teo en la escuela. Pero sería más adelante cuando encontró su vocación como escritora. Siempre tuvo claro que quería ser maestra de Educación Infantil, y su sueño se cumplió a los 22 años con mención en Educación Especial. Fue precisamente con la asignatura Literatura infantil cuando comprendió la importancia de la lectura en la infancia y aquella idea se plasmó en 2015, a través de la creación de Mis cuentos infantiles donde comparte su forma de entender la literatura infantil con el mundo. Lo que empezó como una idea que iba cogiendo forma, acabó por plasmarse en todo un proyecto de promoción de la lectura, al que más adelante ella también aportó con sus propios escritos. Así fue como, en diciembre de 2018, comenzó su historia como autora y ya son más de ocho los títulos que van enriqueciendo su biografía como autora infantil.

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